сторінка 43 вправа 2 гдз 3 клас англійська мова Губарєва Павліченко 2020

a) Read ex. 1 and point to the right picture of the robot.



b) Ask and answer.

Robot A. How many legs has it got? - It has got three legs.
Robot B. How many eyes has it got? - It has got three eyes.
Robot C. How many arms has it got? - It has got three arms.
Robot A. How many hands has it got? - It has got three hands.
Robot B. How many feet has it got? - It has got three feet.
Robot C. How many teeth has it got? - It has got no teeth.
Robot A. How many heads has it got? - It has got one head.
Robot B. How many fingers has it got? - It has got twenty-eight fingers.
Robot C. How many toes has it got? - It has got no toes.