сторінка 80 вправа 4 гдз 4 клас англійська мова Карпюк 2021


Choose and tell the class what you usually do.
Вибери та скажи класу що зазвичай ти робиш.

1 с
2 с
3 с
4 a

1 When I have got a cold, I drink a lot of tea.
a) cola
b) milk
c) tea
2 When I have got a headache, I go to sleep.
a) put a wet towel on my head
b) go to a silent place
c) go to sleep
3 When I have got a runny nose, I use a paper tissue.
a) use a hanky
b) don't use anything
c) use a paper tissue
4 When I stay in bed, I read books.
a) read books
b) listen to music
c) watch TV